(Effective: 01 September 2024)
1. By using the Website for donations or payments, you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy.
2. All donations are voluntary and non-refundable and may be used at the organization’s discretion, even if different from donor preferences, unless otherwise specified (i.e., Zakat).
donor preferences, unless otherwise specified (i.e., Zakat).
3. Payments for services and events are non-refundable unless otherwise stated. You must provide accurate and current
payment information.
4. We accept various payment options. By providing payment information, you confirm authorization to use it and permit us to
charge it for the full amount.
5. We take reasonable steps to protect your personal and financial information. By using our services, you acknowledge and
accept this risk.
6. Payments may be processed by third-party processors; we are not liable for issues arising from their services.
7. We are not liable for damages resulting from the use of our services, and you agree to indemnify us against claims arising
from your breach of these Terms.
8. We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, with the latest version posted on the Website.
9. These Terms are governed by the laws of Bangladesh, and disputes will be resolved via arbitration.